Well as the picture above shows, I've managed two out of three stages - baby made, names chosen (you'll have to wait until the birth to know what they are), and just caging the kid next, I mean protecting it.
The process of change has certainly been a constant theme in my life since the last post. I've finished working for a fab company and am gutted to be leaving at this particular time because since working there I have moved countries twice, got married, got pregnant and would have loved to have been there when the baby finally arrives. However, opportunities come along as and when, so it's off to a new challenge. The only issue is that the baby is coming just 4 days into the new job. So that's going to make this coming week quite testing.
I've had some pretty lovely conversations with my clients this past week, and many of them know I have a baby coming. Many of them have been quick to offer advice to me, and pretty much all of it has been enjoy as much time as you can with your child as almost universally; "get as much sleep as you can now".....
One of the good things for me this week has been that even with the baby's arrival being so close, leaving work has meant lots of focus on non-baby stuff. It has definitely helped to avoid getting totally consumed with baby-related talk, thoughts and actions. Occupational balance has always pretty important to me, and I feel like I perform best in most of my daily roles when I have a good balance. I appreciate that the focus, importance and prioritization of roles can change depending on external factors, and this will be seriously tested in the coming days and weeks. However, having different points of focus seems to have worked well for me so far in dealing with a very challenging week.
I saw this little picture below and thought 'hey, yes this absolutely will be the kind of thing that I will be doing with my kid'. I hope my child has a better impulsive control for sweets and chocolate than I do, other wise this will be a regular occurrence.
Joking aside having a baby has definitely changed my financial priorities. Having only got married last year I haven't had chance to forget how by adding the word 'Wedding' before normal everyday objects or services, the price doubles at the very least... it isn't so different with baby things. I swear I have seen stores trying to sell all kinds of crazy baby items that I am not even are real...
We've been seriously blessed by having so many things donated and so many people offer to help us out with stuff that it's been a huge help and kept financial pressure to a minimum. Keeping a sense of humor about it all has been a really helpful way for me to keep things in perspective though I have to say, the 'baby world' much like the 'wedding world' is seriously filled with over-priced and unnecessary rubbish... especially given the fact that almost every parent I have spoken to so far has told us the same story... "the baby grows so fast that he/she will grow out of things so quickly". If this is the case then I don't see why parent's don't just wrap the child in baggy clothes to save some expense???!!!
I continue to read through the parenting guide and came across this great piece of advice. I must admit, I hadn't thought about a 'home baby gym' and was glad to this was firmly on the 'don't' list!
So this may be the last post before the little thing (sex unknown) arrives. We are pretty prepared, but more importantly having supportive people around, and having other things to offer me an occasional distraction from baby stress has been so helpful.
Anyone that knows me well knows that I would always suggest planning ahead, but this is one thing that I would ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND to any prospective parents... make a birth plan, pack your hospital bags, and get lots of advice from other new parents.
I thin I can honestly say that my occupational values, roles and habits are about to change beyond imagination. It will be an interesting journey no doubt... bring it on!